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The Correct Way To Drink Red Wine
Time:2021-03-15 10:44:16      Click:242

1. Take wine

The taste of red wine will be affected by changes in the outside temperature, so try to reduce the number of times your hands touch the red wine bottle. You can hold the bottom of the wine bottle with your thumb, and gently press the wine bottle with your fingertips again to ensure that the wine is in a balanced state. This will reduce the number and duration of contact and prevent the hand temperature from affecting the taste of the red wine.

2. Pour wine

After the red wine is processed and put on the market, it will be stored for a period of time due to various factors, although the longer the red wine is stored, the better its taste. If the wine is left for a long time, there will be some sediment on the bottom of the wine bottle. Don't underestimate these sediments, these sediments will affect the taste of red wine. Therefore, it is better to pour out the wine evenly, so as to avoid shaking of the sediment at the bottom of the wine bottle.

3. Shake the wine

Shaking the red wine is an indispensable step. Gently shaking the wine is good for sobering up the wine while also dispersing the taste of the red wine evenly. Therefore, this will not only make the red wine taste mellow, but also stimulate the aroma to overflow. Drinking at this stage, the red wine tastes just right.

4. Wine utensils

The essential thing for drinking is wine utensils. Good wine utensils will greatly evaporate the taste of red wine, on the contrary, inappropriate wine utensils will affect the taste and taste of red wine, and the experience is not good. Therefore, most of the wine utensils are goblets, and crystal glasses can also be selected if conditions permit. The wine glass must not be filled, only a quarter of it is exactly right.

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